VehID First Semester Plan


  For our first semester we intend on finaliziing our train and test data as well as validating the fitness of our data. Alongside this first task, we are following an Agile design process which will include 3 week sprints to align with the due dates for the proposed milestones. We will also be taking the time to better understand the tools that we intend to use to accomplish this task. By the end of the first semester we intend to have a fully trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that can identify vehicles by the given criteria. This will allow us to begin refining the model and integrating it with computer vision come second semester.

  This first semester will be primarily ensuring that we have all of the necessary tools and skills needed to accomplish our proposed task. We will also begin working on the model itself, with the intention of bringing it to the testing phase at the beginning of the second semester. By the spring we plan on having the model integrated with a network of cameras to be able to view and process live data in real-time.

Progression and Milestones - First Semester

First Semester Project Structure
Proposal (August 21, 2023) Proposal
Plan (September 6, 2023) Plan, Presentation
Milestone 1 (October 2, 2023) Requirement, Design, Test, Presentation, Project Evaluation
Milestone 2 (October 30, 2023) Presentation, Project Evaulation, Model Demonstration
Milestone 3 (November 27, 2023) Presentation, Project Evaulation

Florida Institute of Technology Senior Project: VehID